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icon まもめーるApp
by Oita Prefectural Police
 まもめーるApp is a program that allows you to browse information delivered by the Oita Prefectural Police Mail Delivery System "まもめーる" and "Oita crime prevention map みはるちゃん" on smartphone (iOS · Android).
 The latest information is delivered as soon as possible by push notification.
 Registration is free, but a communication fee for information display and browsing of the website is required.

Push Notification

New Data

Back Number

Confirm use of location information

Crime prevention map 

Calling case crime prevention map

Theft case security map

Search condition

Push Notification
 When launching the application for the first time, a confirmation message will be displayed asking whether or not to receive notification from "まもめーる".
 Here, if you select "Permitted", you can receive new arrival information of the prompt by push notification.

New Data
 When launching the application, the latest "まもめーる" information is displayed.

 * If the content of the e-mail corresponds to a "calling case" such as suspicious person information, the "Display around the place of occurrence" button will be displayed. Click the button to display the security map.

Back Number
 You can browse "まもめーる" information that was distributed in the past (for the past month).

Confirm use of location information
 When launching the application for the first time, a confirmation message on the availability of location information will be displayed while "Mamemei" is in use.
 Here, if you select "Permitted", you can display the security information around the current location on the crime prevention map.
 Even if you select "Do not approve", you can change crime prevention map search criteria and display municipal crime prevention information.
 *"When you do not approve" is selected, the "present location" on the map will be around the Oita prefectural government office.

Crime prevention map "みはるちゃん"
 We will display on the map the place of occurrence such as a case of a child or a woman who occurred in Oita prefecture or a bicycle theft.

 Select from the following two types of security maps to provide.
・Voice calling case
 The area around the place where a "calling incident" such as a woman or child being called by a suspicious person and feeling uneasy is displayed on the aerial photograph.
・Theft case security 
 The location where the "theft case" such as the aim on the car or the theft of the vehicle occurred is displayed on the map.

Calling case crime prevention map
 The area around the place where the case of calling out to children and women that occurred in Oita Prefecture is displayed as a circle on the map.

 The kind of criminal information provided are as follows.

 ・Voice calling case - Things that women and children felt uneasy as they were asked by suspicious individuals.

Theft case security map
 We will display on the map the place of occurrence such as a case of a child or a woman who occurred in Oita prefecture or a bicycle theft.
 The kind of criminal information provided are as follows.
 ・Vehicle burglary - Those whose money was stolen from automobiles etc.
 ・Vehicle theft - Car, motorcycle, bicycle theft.

*The marks indicating incidents / cases displayed on the map indicate the vicinity of the place of occurrence, not the point of occurrence itself.
*The number of incidents / incidents displayed on the map and criminal statistics do not necessarily agree with each other.

Search condition
 You can select search conditions and change the contents of map information acquisition.
 Selection criteria for search criteria are as follows.
 Select from around the current location, the whole Oita prefecture, each municipality (Oita city, Beppu city, etc.)
 ・Crime Kind
 Select from all, car aim, vehicle theft, voice calling case
 ・Occure Period
 Select from past 3 months, past 6 months, past 1 year

Please contact the above-mentioned telephone number when there are an opinion, an impression, and an uncertain point.